Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sometimes I am just retarded

Nope, there's nothing more to it than that-- no sad backstory or funny anecdote. I just read my post from yesterday, and wow! It's retarded. No other way to describe it. So I apologize. I have no excuse for my behavior and I promise to do better in the future. I hope I didn't drive anyone to hara-kiri, or even worse, to stop reading me.

It puts pressure on you if anyone ever says, "you're funny," or "you're not retarded," because it means they expect funniness and nonretardation forever in the future. But rejecting nonretardation is not something I can avoid at all times; just look at this sentence.

Anyway, I am leaving work [cue jealousy] to meet my family downtown for lunch. No meetings, no more work for me today. I'm sorry for my shameful display yesterday, and I hope we can still be friends.

1 comment:

tiff said...

you're so retarded for apologizing. i just didn't have anything clever to add to that m. night caliber story.

no pressure now!