Friday, June 6, 2008

Funny shit. This post has nothing to do with shit (foreshadowing!)

Okay, we’ve got to take a quick break from the Chronicles of Bathroomia. If I ever even get back to that… the next three episodes tell the story of how 1. I got body-slammed and shit my pants 2. my friend pissed in my garage right in front of my mom and 3. I got trapped in my aunt’s bathroom.

See that? That’s called foreshadowing.

I am leaving work in half an hour to go to Michigan, for which I am excited. (More foreshadowing, you dig?)

Did I tell you I bought a car? No? I did. Black Chevy Impala LTZ – leather, sunroof, Bose stereo, the whole deal. I am even more fly than before, if that’s possible.

But the most important reason I needed to take this little break was to refer you to a post that I found on a fucking hilarious blog. Foreshadowing: it’s this blog.

The post: For real, like, for real. It’s funny. If you don’t like it, no offense, but you’re a retard. Have a good weekend, dudes.


J. Hi said...

I dedicate my latest post to you because it deals with your favorite subject--funny shit. ;)

Happy driving in your nice new car while some of us are driving a '93 Oldsmobile station wagon that smells like spoiled milk.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

I for one am really looking forward to hearing about how you got body-slammed and shit your pants.

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